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The home was winterized!


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Kinda looks like how they winterize in Illinois. It's a rare thing indeed to have a home de-winterized and not find a burst pipe.

I truly believe the protocol here is to have Larry, Darryl and Darryl sit out in the truck, drink the anti-freeze to get a buzz, then piss in each toilet and sink to distribute the anti-freeze. I wish that was tongue-in-cheek.

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We run into several hundred "winterized" houses every year. I have NEVER seen one done correctly and our experience tells us 80% percent have freezing damage somewhere in the plumbing system.

Of course there is no definite way to describe a house that has been sitting vacant for 18months; 20degrees below and 98degrees above. You know, of course, it has no negative effect!

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The picture speaks for itself and pretty much the entire POS at this mornings inspection. Yep, it was winterized alright!

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I wouldn't think they'd let things go like that in a 7000 square foot mansion.

Funny you should bring that up.... The sink is in an innercity house that was purchased by a local YMCA. I volunteer with them when they find a house that they want to buy and restore for their low income housing program they have. It was a mess.

This picture is from one of the McMansions I did this week. Those are Leland Cypress trees that are planted 1' from the wall (EIFS) of the home. I planted the same type of trees along my back fence line to add some privacy to our backyard. They grow quickly up to about 25' and their limbs spread out about 6' to 8'. Ya think this is going to be a problem!

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The sink is in an innercity house that was purchased by a local YMCA. I volunteer with them when they find a house that they want to buy and restore for their low income housing program they have. It was a mess.

That's a noble venture. I was wondering why you would be inspecting a place like that. It's gotta be far more rewarding than the McMansions.

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The sink is in an innercity house that was purchased by a local YMCA. I volunteer with them when they find a house that they want to buy and restore for their low income housing program they have. It was a mess.

That's a noble venture. I was wondering why you would be inspecting a place like that. It's gotta be far more rewarding than the McMansions.

It is a great program. It is called Y-Build and is part of the YMCA. From what I understand it is a national program.

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