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A new one for me.

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For today's job I am picking up my client and taking her to the inspection. When she booked the job last week, it came out that the reason she couldn't attend the inspection was because she recently sold her car and didn't have a ride. My initial thought was "why isn't your realtor taking care of this", but I simply offered to pick her up and then take her home afterward. One positive from this, I have to clean out my truck to make it presentable[:-party]

Talk about a full service inspection.

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Excellent. I continue to find it quite amazing to spend time with the clients without the agents buzzing about.

Far more relaxing and a good exchange of information and conversation.

And a good bet you will work for their friends and family through referrals. Good job, Robert. I have yet to chauffeur any clients in my dirty little Tacoma, but will remain flexible. My truck is always clean on the outside.
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Thanks for the replies gent's. My client was very grateful and was happy to actually be at the inspection. First time buyer. And it was good to talk with her after the inspection in a more "private" setting to discuss the home and findings. The only real awkwardness(sp?), was trying to not let her leave gas money in my Tahoe. I just told her it really wasn't necessary. Good experience.

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