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Pier and Beam VS Slab

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An integrated concrete foundation and floor system is supposed to be more economical to build than a 'raised floor' pier & beam system because of the relative economy of concrete compared to wood. It's very solid and more quiet. There's no need to worry about insulation/condensation issues within a crawlspace since it doesn't have one.

'Raised floor' construction give you more options when installing the electrical, plumbing and HVAC systems. The servicing or replacement of these systems may also be easier because of access from top & bottom. Constructing additions to the house is easier and settlement of the foundation piers is less of an issue to correct, dollar wise.

The choice of either is also affected by other considerations such as susceptibility of the lot to floods, the need for easy handicapped access, etc.


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Before anyone can tell you that, you need to tell us exactly what a Pier-and-beam foundation is in your neck of the woods because the term seems to mean different things in different parts of the country. Describe the way it's constructed.



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Thanks for your responses. Pier and beam just like cement posts raised up to hard wood floors. Best way to describe the property.

No. That's not the best way to describe the property.

Is there a perimeter concrete footing?

Is there a perimeter concrete or block stemwall?

Is there plywood/OSB subflooring on joists? Or is it girders on 4' centers holding up car decking?

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