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And just like that, I am back

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I may get on my soap box a bit, my apologies up front. As most of you know, I was activated for deployment and have been at my base in Spokane doing pre-deployment stuff like Anthrax, Typhoid and Small Pox shots:( Once I got to the part where they do the pre-deployment physical, I was told that my abdominal surgery from December has not had sufficient time to heal. Orders cancelled and kicked back to civilian life!

Just not a happy camper right now. Glad to be back home, but very frustrated. Ok down from my soap box for now.

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I can't imagine how difficult it must be to wrap your mind around, and prepare to, fly overseas where people want to shoot at you . . . and then learn that it's not going to happen.

To loosely quote the chick from Pulp Fiction: That must be freaky.

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I can relate - mixed feelings for sure. I did 22+ years active duty, can't say I miss it even a little, but I do miss all the traveling. I understand you and your family spent a lot of time preparing for your deployment and suddenly its all changed. Suden change is hard - even when it is probably good news. I had some big big trips get pulled out from under me within less then 24 hours of departure - I can relate.

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Hi Rob,

I can relate. I know it might take you a while to get things back up to a full head of steam; especially if you let everyone know you'd be gone for a year and they'd begun calling others. That has to be the suckiest part. I have a list of names and numbers I give out to folks when I can't accommodate their schedule. If you're prepared to come to the north sound, I can replace that list with just your name and number until you get her back up and on an even keel. It might keep you hopping; I fielded more callers to alternate inspectors last month than I actually did inspections.



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I can handle inspections in the greater Seattle area no problem. My King county number is (206) 930-6740.

I appreciate all of your comments and support guys. I don't think it will take me long to get the business rolling again. I have one scheduled for tomorrow and Monday afternoon. I did shoot a general e-mail informing folks that I was back and ready to work.

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