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Realtor Gets Burned - On Her Own Home!!!


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There are many other more descriptive words for this person.

I'll let your minds ponder over which you might find the best [:-bigeyes

Well, stupid comes to mind. But the sellers, a former corrections officer and a real estate agent, who have declared bankruptcy to avoid justice, can be described in all kinds of ways, too.
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the electrical cable was supported from a shed to the house by a tree...doesn't seem quite right

the buyer purchased her next door neighbors house directly...and thought she was getting a deal

the buyer was an insurance agent and held her real estate license...a presumption of knowledge

the purchased home was built without any permits whatsoever...like zero, nil, zip

the normal sales process typically includes a home inspection and extensive disclosures...this one couldn't have

the seller was a real estate agent... which was not disclosed

it was evident that there were 2 large air ducts resting on a metal roof to a backyard walkway, exposed...hmmmm

rather than the required 1500 gallon septic tank, this house has a 500 gallon septic tank...an inspection would have revealed this

there is no electrical meter....really...no one noticed?

Don't see nothin' wrong here . . . What's she upset about?[:-monkeyd

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A home inspection would have revealed that the house had a 500 gallon septic tank when it's supposed to have a 1500 gallon tank? How so? Are you opening up septic tanks out there in Maryland? Out here, we don't do 'em and the septic tank installation companies do all inspections of those systems.



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How can anyone who is so intimately involved with the sale and purchase of a product have so little knowledge of it? That is the problem. If you were on a car lot with a salesman and he asked you what that thing was, and you had to tell him it is the door handle, would you buy anything from him? F-------d up brother. F-----ng stupid.

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How can anyone who is so intimately involved with the sale and purchase of a product have so little knowledge of it?

You make a great observation. I've been thinking that for 18 years.

As one once said, many are at best professional door unlockers, though since watching more than a few struggle at opening their little key-box thingys, let alone a deadbolt, I'm doubting that as well.

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