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Surprising Kentucky Home Inspection Companions


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Surprising Kentucky Home Inspection Companions

Got 240 in the back pasture here. Angus cows and a few bulls mixed in. Still though, they are all big babies. They want less to do with your business than you want with theirs. I just tell everybody headed to the pond, don't sneak up on them and keep walking. They'll part their own crowd and get out of the way. Sometimes, they try to be intimidating and jump in the air, kick the ground or the air. Fifty years old and never been kicked or bumped unless they were in the squeeze chute or being packed into a trailer.

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My summer job in high school was working on cattle ranches in northwest Nebraska. Never had much of a problem with them out there on the range.

But the after school job at the stockyards was a different story. They didn't always want to move from pen to pen and they sure weren't fond of getting on the trucks to go to the big house!

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