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flow vs pressure

Jim Baird

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At 4 fixture master bath, and at 3 fixture main floor bath, as well as at kitchen sink, flow sucks. Turn on all in a group and all go pretty slack.

Yet out at hose bibb on front cnr, pressure is 75 PSI and flow squirts thru handle assembly to hit me in face.

Original galvanized supply built 1955. I called for possible replacement of galvinized.

Make sense?

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Could be many things causing the problem .Shut off/stop valves could be plugged full of trash,Faucets could be plugged up.

Ive seen galvanized supply lines in old houses that were so clogged the lead on a pencil wouldn't fit in there,Ive also see 70 plus year old galvanized lines that look brand new inside.[;)]

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