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York dates off in Decoder chart?

Richard Moore

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I had a York furnace in a 2006 home today. Serial number WOK58.....

According to the decoder chart, the 3rd letter, "K" represents the year and it would be a 2001 unit. That didn't make much sense, so I went off into google land and eventually found another chart that has K as 2005 (much better). See http://www.peaktoprairie.com/?D=153

I don't know for sure but I suspect all the numbers in "our" chart may be off by 4 years.


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I pulled this off the net awhile ago and it seems to fit your situation. I do not run into that many York units here and have only used this info once – and it was correct.

York changed their serial nomenclature, so the old cheat sheets do not seem to work in decoding anything manufactured after 2005.

In your case the NEW serial decoding is used and indicates a unit manufactured in 2005

First letter - specifies CITY of manufacture. W - Witchita, Kansas

Second number - tells you the THIRD digit of the year of manufacture.

Third letter - specifies month of manufacture. (12 Letters) A-January B-February C-March D-April E–May, F-June, H-July.

Fourth number - specifies fourth digit of year of manufacture.

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Originally posted by msteger

I found the official documentation for this.

York/Unitary did indeed change this as of October 2004. See the attached file for info.

Download Attachment: icon_adobe.gif York-Unitary date code nomenclature.pdf

252.73 KB


Thanks Rich for bringing that to my attention and thanks Matt. I'd actually called Unitary early this morning and had gotten Matt's chart from Jeanne Walters about 2 hours ago. Then I revised the chart. Unfortunately, when I tried to access the library to add the updated chart I discovered that, apparently when we changedbroad band providers, my passwords hadn't been transferred because I kept getting booted for not havine authorized access. So, here's the new chart and I'll upload it to the library as soon as I can get access.




To download the newly revised decoder chart, click here

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