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Stucco/EIFS Expert in Seattle?


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I've got a client who's real hungry for a true expert to test his EIFS on a prospective purchase in Bear Creek Country Club.

Poor guy didn't even know what EIFS was, but he's sharp as a tack, agressive, and is an expert researcher. He may know more about EIFS now than I do after researching online all weekend.

No whimps allowed.

Any of you lurkers know anybody good? Or maybe you're the expert.

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Originally posted by randynavarro

Thanks Walter.

I see he's an Indagator. Is that the association you formed years ago? I don't really know much about it.

Sssh. It's a secret.id="blue">

Would you be able to vouch for Greg's exerptise in testing EIFS using invasive methods?

If Greg says he can do the job, he can do the job. I know he's been in on many, many EIFS discussions.id="blue">

I couldn't find a website on Google so I'm assuming he doesn't have one.

I didn't look for a website. If he's hard to find, it could be that he's on his boat.


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Yeah, Robert Thomas used to be here but I believe that he's moved his operation to Florida.

Randy, what kind of inspection are you looking for? You talk about "testing EIFS using invasive methods," but one doesn't do invasive inspections of EIFS unless one has the permission of the homeowner and one is trying to diagnose a problem, in which case the way to do "invasive" inspection of it is to go into the lamina from the backside by opening up an inner wall and cutting a test square out of the lamina. It's also possible to probe it from the surface using a special probe connected to a moisture meter, but that punctures the face of the lamina.

If you're looking for someone representing themselves as a true EIFS expert, contact Dan Gerpheide at Tri-State Consulting Inc. in Bellevue. The number I have for them is 425-603-9400, email: dangerpheide@arcada.net. If that number or email address aren't current, look him up on the Northwest Wall and Ceiling Bureau's site at http://www.nwcb.org .



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Originally posted by hausdok


Yeah, Robert Thomas used to be here but I believe that he's moved his operation to Florida.

Randy, what kind of inspection are you looking for? You talk about "testing EIFS using invasive methods," but one doesn't do invasive inspections of EIFS unless one has the permission of the homeowner and one is trying to diagnose a problem, in which case the way to do "invasive" inspection of it is to go into the lamina from the backside by opening up an inner wall and cutting a test square out of the lamina. It's also possible to probe it from the surface using a special probe connected to a moisture meter, but that punctures the face of the lamina.

Yup, I've directed him to go for the drill, probe, push, poke, IR camera. . . whatever he can to get as much information as possible withou actually tearing it off. That, of course, isn't reasonable during this inspection period.

If need be, then he'll negotiate to the next level, whatever that would be.

Me personally? I'd get rif of the stuff forever and ever. Eliminate any unknowns once and for all.

If you're looking for someone representing themselves as a true EIFS expert, contact Dan Gerpheide at Tri-State Consulting Inc. in Bellevue. The number I have for them is 425-603-9400, email: dangerpheide@arcada.net. If that number or email address aren't current, look him up on the Northwest Wall and Ceiling Bureau's site at http://www.nwcb.org .

Good info. It's been forwarded.



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