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Adventurous? - Build A $350 Barebones Vista/7 PC

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By Adrian Kingsley-Hughes - ZDNet

Prices of PC components are falling weekly, and $350 will buy you a lot more horsepower today that it would a few months ago.

Let’s look at what sort of all-purpose barebones PC system you can put together for around $350 - we want a system that’ll be tough enough to handle Windows Vista and Windows 7 yet not cost the earth.

To read more, click here.

Mike's Note: Now, if your a complete compu-moron like me and $350 is too rich for your blood, and you only want to dink around a little and see if you're capable of doing this, he's written a previous article on how to build a basic Vista-capable P.C. for about $150 in materials (Probably even less by now.).

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I just bought the little guy a complete, used Dell system of his own for Christmas (off ebay). 2.8 Intel processor, 120 gig hard drive, 1 gig of ram, 15" LCD monitor, keyboard, mouse, speakers, XP Pro w/recovery disk, blah, blah, blah. I paid $300, shipping and all.

Brian G.

Don't Tell Him [;)] [;-xmas]

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