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Interesting Bollard


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Looks like there might be just a wee bit of adverse possession going on there. Bet if the neighbor has a survey done the line will carve a bit off that driveway. So, veneer brick house with a layer of clapboard siding applied over the veneer?



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Originally posted by hausdok

Looks like there might be just a wee bit of adverse possession going on there. Bet if the neighbor has a survey done the line will carve a bit off that driveway. So, veneer brick house with a layer of clapboard siding applied over the veneer?



Must have been some ugly brick.

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Originally posted by hausdok

Looks like there might be just a wee bit of adverse possession going on there. Bet if the neighbor has a survey done the line will carve a bit off that driveway. So, veneer brick house with a layer of clapboard siding applied over the veneer?




You are, as my Father used to say, a smart sumbitch.

I realize the depths of the hideous brown casings sort of give it away. But I was there, and had to convince myself that someone would actually cover brick veneer with wooden siding.

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Originally posted by Bain


You are, as my Father used to say, a smart sumbitch.

Not really, the deeply inset windows and doors and the soldier rows of bricks at the window sills and doorthreshold gave it away right away. Besides, you can see the mirror image of the sill on the house on the right.

There's a town here called Mountlake Terrace that was built after WWII to house returning GI's who're going to work for Boeing and other big manufactucturers here. Most of the original homes are CMU and a whole lot of them are covered up with all manners of siding.



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Pulling into the garage. Probably.

Backing out. NO.

I sank posts next to my meter after my wife took it off the side of the house one 20 degree January evening. The fire dept came and set up this huge fan while a guy capped the pipe. By 2 AM the gas company had a new meter in. I was impressed. And no charge.

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