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Inspecting Furnaces


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Are there answers to choose from here? All I see in your opening post is:

When you inspect forced-hot-air gas furnaces, what do you do/look for?

Then I see others saying 1-4. Did I miss something here? I've been away for a few days, how do these polls work?


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I don't know why you're experiencing those issues. Obviously, it's not happening for those of us who've been able to post answers. I've set these polls so that everyone; members of TIJ as well as non-members, can post responses. When you see the question, there should be a list of choices below it. You make a choice and then submit it and then the poll will display and show you the poll results to that point. Once you've responded to a poll, you can come back to it later on and it will show the results on a bar graph but won't let you vote again. Have you guys tried refreshing your browsers?



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Les, that's "disenfranchised".

No hyphen, no i.

While dissed, I hope you know I love you, man.......

Interesting set of polls. Some of the answers are not all exactly on target, but I like the idea of comparing how folks look at stuff. Call me next time, I'd work on this a bit with you.

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Ask and ye shall receive. The Kurtinator being a moderator now has the ability to create and edit polls. Oh great One, if you want to edit those polls be my guest but don't delete any of the existing possible responses or change the existing possible responses so much that they mean something entirely different.

I've set it up so that each poll has 12 choices. I don't think you'd need more than that.

John, Brandon, Frank,

Mike says he couldn't find anything wrong with the code and doesn't understand why that's happening. He did tweak something just a bit in the code as an experiment to see if it does the trick but there's now way that he can check it; you'll have to do that.



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Originally posted by hausdok


Ask and ye shall receive. The Kurtinator being a moderator now has the ability to create and edit polls. Oh great One, if you want to edit those polls be my guest but don't delete any of the existing possible responses or change the existing possible responses so much that they mean something entirely different.

I've set it up so that each poll has 12 choices. I don't think you'd need more than that.



Cool! I just fiddled around with it, but I took out the stuff I added because it goofed up the rest of the poll.

I added "check the draft inducer housing for leaks", and "check for a metal liner in an exterior masonry chimney", but there was no way to make it work with the previous choices.

If you do these again, email me. We could have some fun.

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Originally posted by admin

Let me know if you see can them now?


Still nothing, Michael. But don't spend scads of time trying to figure it out. It's probably on our ends, and entails fiddling with our browser settings, like Bill suggested.

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