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Health Insurance

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Hi all,

Can anybody recommend a good health care company? I remember seeing something in the ashi reporter about an ashi affiliated program??

I am still working full time, but since business has been slowing picking up for me, i spend less and less time there. They have now branded me "part -time", which means no benefits! uh oh.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated, as always.


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Hi Jason,

I can't suggest anyone because I get all of my health care from the armed forced medical provider system. However, whilie we're at it, I'd also like to know about good disability insurance providers. The last time I was injured on this gig 8 years ago I went so far into the hole that I'm just starting to see a glimmer of light again. Being self-employed it's tough to find good programs. I'd like to avoid going through that again by 1) not getting hurt again (Gee Slick, I never woulda guessed) and 2) finding a decent program.

So, hey folks, tell us about both; Good health care programs and good disability insurance programs.



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I have a MSA (medical savings account) that works well for us. Basically its a plan that covers major medical after a $5,000. 00 deduction. The money that goes into the savings account is used for routine stuff. Tax benefits and the money rolls over and from year to year and its always my money.

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Originally posted by Chad Fabry

I have a BC/BS policy that's a little less than $400.00 per month, and pays for everything.

Is that just for you? My wife and I spend 722 a month.

Yeah. It's a little higher than normal 'cause I disclosed migraine headaches as a pre-existing condition.

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NJ insurance is bad and expensive. The plans are heavily regulated. Good insurance does not exist. I currently spend $1,200 a month with HealthNet and I pay a $30 co-pay for my primary doctor and a $50 co-pay for everyone else. I do not have dental or eye car as part of the plan. The scary part is that this was the best deal available when I renewed in October.

You need to find an independent agent and have him/her shop for you. Let them do the work. It will cost you the same.

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It is hard to beat Blue Cross & Blue Shield from what I have seen over the years. They have programs for individuals, family coverage, etc. It also depends on the state you live in.

I don't know much about the ASHI partner, but I do know that over 400 members have taken out coverage through them over the past year. I think that they shop various providers in your area for coverage. Info is on the ASHI site.

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For those with an S-corp, you can't set up any of those MSA's for yourself, but you can for non-owner/officers.

With the S-corp you can have the corp pay the medical insurance premiums but you have to show the fringe benefit as income but you don't have to pay FICA taxes on it.

I guess the IRS feels that S-corps have a big enough advantage to avoid paying FICA taxes by allowing a good chunk of income to be taken as a distribution.

Chris, Oregon

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You deserve that huge premium - while you were serving I was making money! I have always been a proponent of fractional coverage for military. ie: if retirement is 20yrs and you serve 5yrs you get 25% coverage.

My BC/BS for two is $1200 per month. And, I paid more for medical this year than I made, with that coverage!

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I have BC/BS through my full time employer (family plan), my cost is $520 per month, my employer pays the same plus picks up the $2500 deductable. This includes an optical plan but no dental. This plan has only been in effect since 12/1/08 so I can't say how I like it, but if it is anything like the Independant Health plan we had last year I'm pretty sure I'll hate it. I could have put that kind of money into a high yield savings account and still had most of it left.

Have you tried looking at the health and disability programs through your local chamber of commerce? There may be a program there. My GL policy includes an injury rider that gives me up to $5000 for disability as the business owner but that won't last long if I really get hurt, it didn't cost anything so I ain't complaining though.


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