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multi inspector firms

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Pros: No business paperwork, taxes, employee headaches, when you are not working-your off, sleep better at night, some weight off of your shoulders.

Cons: See a lot less of the inspection fee, you gotta do what they tell you, you can be let go at any time.

I'm sure there is more, I just can't remember - gotta go do paperwork.

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I'm confused, but that's nothing new. You say you were offered a job with a multi-inspector firm, but if I'm reading the info on your home page correctly, you already own a multi-inspector firm:

We are a home inspection company that is devoted exclusively to serving our clients. All of our inspectors are professionally trained, passed the National Home Inspectors Exam, complete 20 hours of continuing education classes per year, and have a background in home construction.

How many inspectors do you have?

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Actually, I wasn't confused. I was trying to ask trying to ask Brent in a gentle manner, Why are you lying on your web site?

I don't see it as just "an image thing". I see at as being intentionally deceptive. You don't invent a nonexistent staff. That's wrong ..... just like plagiarism.

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A nosism is the use of 'we' to refer to oneself[1]. A common example is the royal we

Simply put you can refer to yourself as we in the royal sense.

"Are you sure that's a deceptive practice? Anyone can have multiple personalities........... you just never know which one is gonna show up."

and that too.

There is nothing deceptive about it and most people understand the meaning.

Besides, We ain't changing ma website..if it's on page one don't muck wit it.

Royally yours,

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True, it's bad writing, but I don't think it's deceptive.

Having a statement on his home page about "all of our inspectors", when in reality the guy is a one man operation who is apparently so slow that he's considering working for another outfit, isn't being deceptive?

If lying about the size of your operation isn't being deceptive, then how about overstating your qualifications or your education ........ or the number of inspections you've done?

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Jeez, the poor guy asks a simple question . . .

Brent, I work with a multi-inspector firm, but it's a partnership. I suspect that's not the arrangement you're asking about, so I really have no insight to offer other than what tbird told you.

I find that people often fail in this business because they go into it thinking that it's a job. It's not. The job is only a part of what we do. If you're looking for a job, work for a multi-inspector firm. If you're looking for a business opportunity, remain on your own and refine your business skills.

As for the royal "we", I'm with Mark Twain, who said, "Only kings, presidents, editors and people with tapeworms have the right to use the editorial 'we'."

Of course, Rob's different. He's Canadian. They're refined.

- Jim Katen, Oregon

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This is Brent's 4th post, and he's accused of fraud and called a liar. A little harsh, don't'cha think?

Maybe his webpage is in its nascent stages, or he typed in the text quickly one night after a long day. Or maybe it's just the way he wants it. Who cares?

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OK gentlemen, I think this has gone far enough…and maybe a little too far. It certainly does little in answering the original post. I suspect much of this is my fault due to my tongue-in-cheek bitching about the plagiarism over at the other thread. For the record, I don’t really mind, I’m a little flattered and, no (WJ), I realize it isn’t exactly great prose in the first place.

I think Brent’s home page is a mishmash of borrowed copy, half “Iâ€

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Richard is indeed a gentleman, -something we could use a few more of around here.

Using language to bully people is weak and ugly, and it's starting to look like a witch hunt for bad spellers and the like around here. Even the best writers on this informal, though professional forum, make mistakes.

Pointing out the occasional, meaningful blunder in an effort to help people improve their work is a positive thing to do. Using every fat-fingered misspelling or misplaced comma as an excuse to show the world how clever you can be, makes this place less pleasant. And insisting that it's OK to act like an ass, because you happen to be correct is a distinct form of Jerry Peckism.

Good writing is important in HI work. I think we all get that. Occasional reminders are helpful. However, there seems to be a growing trend for publicly inflating the importance of instances of bad HI grammar. If we want that sort of thing, maybe it should have it's own thread, because it's boring the shite out of me and causing me to lose interest in this forum.

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I have to echo Jimmy's frustration,

I should have split the thread as soon as it diverged; by the time I'd gotten back from my drive yesterday it had morphed into this. The first two respondents answered the IP's question and then the next 17 posts dealt with what the man has on his website or comments about the comments about what the man has on his website.

For crying out loud, Folks, instead of obliterating the original subject of this thread with secondary concerns about what he's put on his website, wouldn't it have been easier to start a separate thread, maybe in the "Professionalism" forum, where someone raises the exact same questions but does it generically without picking on one inspector?

I started this site as a place where all home inspectors could come and learn. How can inspectors take advantage of the good things that TIJ has to offer if they are avoiding this site because they think other members are going to hassle them every time those other members figuratively see a hair hanging out of the IP's nostril?

Sure, maybe the us vs. I thing is a valid question and needs to be discussed but I don't think it's anything worth pillorying anyone over and there are plenty of other ways to bring this stuff up without turning this place into the soap opera. We often remark here how vicious some of the comments being made by the nickophants to others on the soap opera are, and then we turn around and do the same thing here. What the hell?

I have undying respect and am eternally grateful to every one of the regulars here for helping to build TIJ into one of, if not the best, sources of good information on the net for all home inspectors. However, please, lets not turn into a bunch of grouchy old men hanging out in the park criticizing everyone else; let's keep this as the friendly place where folks leave feeling like they've learned something.

If you've got a beef with someone, we have e-mail and messaging capabilities here; it doesn't have to be done online. If you have something that is common in the business that you think is wrong or deceptive start a separate thread and raise the issue generically. Believe me, the target of your comments will know who you are talking about.

My apologies to Brent, Jimmy, Richard and anyone else who was put off by the turn this thread has taken.



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Thanks go out to those that answered my post. The we is my wife, father, and myself. The site i'm sure needs reworked but right now i've got other things on my mind. I thought this site was different than some of the others i've been on, guess i was wrong. Thanks Mike.

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Rob is absolutely right! Stick around. I can, and will, vouch for most of the nasty ones on this site and really they ain't so bad. I have been guilty of the same thing and at the same time would help any inspector that is sincere. I also expect that help from them. Only been turned down once and later found the person to be an ass - period...

I have "discussed" nearly everything with most of the posters, been corrected by many posters, and have talked about friends, family and the crazy business we have chosen.

There is passion here as well as a nearly encyclopedic amount of info!

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Stick around, learn, banter and then learn some more.

I promise there is no other place on the internet where someone will use "pillorying" in a sentence with a straight face.

I'm now dedicated to saying pillorying out loud in a real conversation once a day for seven days straight. I'm not doing it to memorize it, I'm doing it purely for the entertainment value.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Richard is indeed a gentleman, -something we could use a few more of around here.

Using language to bully people is weak and ugly, and it's starting to look like a witch hunt for bad spellers and the like around here. Even the best writers on this informal, though professional forum, make mistakes.

Pointing out the occasional, meaningful blunder in an effort to help people improve their work is a positive thing to do. Using every fat-fingered misspelling or misplaced comma as an excuse to show the world how clever you can be, makes this place less pleasant. And insisting that it's OK to act like an ass, because you happen to be correct is a distinct form of Jerry Peckism.

Good writing is important in HI work. I think we all get that. Occasional reminders are helpful. However, there seems to be a growing trend for publicly inflating the importance of instances of bad HI grammar. If we want that sort of thing, maybe it should have it's own thread, because it's boring the shite out of me and causing me to lose interest in this forum.

Amen. And then some.

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