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by Mike O'Handley, Editor

A new professional association for home inspectors, called the Washington Association of Property Inspectors (WAPI) has recently incorporated in Washington state and is inviting all inspectors who perform home inspections in Washington to join.

According to the association's newly-elected President, Larry Stamp, the association was formed to support the home inspection profession in general and Washington inspectors specifically. As stated in their bylaws, WAPI's purpose is:

  • To provide a forum for the exchange of ideas, information, and knowledge among its member inspectors
  • To provide a source of continuing education to enhance the knowledge and professionalism of its member inspectors
  • To interact with related professions and government agencies, to benefit the home inspection industry
According to Stamp, WAPI members believe that there is much to gain by collaborating for the good of the profession, as it is unlikely that industry standards, regulations and licensing requirements will remain static in Washington state, and that a well-informed and cooperative group of Washington home inspectors can strongly influence future developments. Stamp says that WAPI welcomes experienced inspectors, who have not elected to affiliate themselves with a particular association, as well as new inspectors and those who are considering entering the profession. Welcome too are those from all recognized associations, and there is no requirement for an inspector to drop his or her membership in a current organization, in order to join WAPI.

WAPI currently meets at 9:00 AM on the third Saturday of the month, in a private room at the Denny's Restaurant in Federal Way, WA. At their next meeting on August 21st, WAPI will conduct a short business meeting and then feature educational topics relevant to the profession. Stamp says all are welcome to attend to learn more about the association without obligation. Those interested should contact Renee Stamp at 360/459-1632 or e-mail her at cameo@callatg.com.

  • 1 year later...

Update: WAPI has since been absorbed into the American Institute of Inspectors (A.I.I.) and Larry Stamp has just assumed the reins as President of A.I.I.

Congratulations Larry!!



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