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Remote PC Service

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I use Go To My PC for my pest control company and it works great. The software package I use for the PC company is on a desktop in the office. Techs use their Motion tablets in the field with air cards and just log on access everything they need from their schedule to client docs and they never need to go to the office. I could put the software on each tablet but then I would have to make sure everyone synchronized daily with the main computer. This way I can monitor (or my wife can. She handles the day to day PC company stuff )everything that happens in real time.

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Does anyone have any experience with this type of service?

If so, whom do you recommend?

For remote service I have used a Los Angeles company. They offer good service at a reasonable rate. If it is remote service you are looking for I can try and find their number for you. Currently my IT department is based in Boston with some support in San Francisco. The key to any remote service is the technician you get, and their knowledge base.

I thought that gotomypc is more of a remote access of your own office computers without using a VPN, I guess it serves the same purpose.

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Randy, what are you trying to do? If all you want is remote access you just need a virtual network. I've had some luck with RealVNC, it is free on line and works reasonably well, but will not function at all if you have any hardware locked software (dongles). Try googling "real VNC", install it to each computer you want access to, then all you need is an internet connection.


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Tom - I want to keep all my filed synchronized when I'm away from the home office and also when I am working from home on different machines.

Jim - Yes, a friend informed me of the built in Remote Desktop feature. I'm looking in to it.

From the other thread, right now it appears that Syncplicity is winning the race.

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I'd have to suggest checking out Google Docs, depending on the types of files you're trying to keep synchronized. I use 4 computers each day between home and work. I keep all my Spreadsheets and Documents in Google Docs so they can not only be edited on multiple machines at once, but you can roll back the changes and see updates live across all machines. You can import and export Word, Powerpoint and Excel document. You can also synch the Google Calendar and contacts with your cell phone which I use daily. All of this is free and you don't have to worry about connecting to another machine and transferring files around.

There's a few other programs out there that will help keep files synchronized if you're going beyond the simple documents listed above. I'd have to look them up as I haven't used them in awhile. Remote Desktop and VNC (which is what I use along with dydns.org) are great for remote controlling a machine, but not transferring files.

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