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A realtor sent me a buch of photos. Here's a few of the best ones...

The receptacle is bad, but how do they keep the toilet paper dry?

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If you can't bend conduit, but have a few extra j-boxes.

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I don't know how to flash my roof penetrations, but I have this handy system for catching the drips and piping them elsewhere.

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And while we're on the subject of exhaust ducts...

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I have a book on wiring somewhere...

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Flashing? I don't need no stinking flashing!

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I was short on pipe but had a bag full of couplings.

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I'm not sure if this is automotive or residential?

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The last one is my favorite.

I've actually seen that over in Michigan (Benton Harbor) this summer. The one I saw was an Electra 225, w/the rear doors foamed shut because they'd been mashed in an accident, and the AC was set in the foam.

They had an extension cord running over to an shack house; no generator.

Some guy was living in it.

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No mention of ASHI (or any other copyright) in the two e-mails I received that contained the photos... so if they sue me I'm going to plead ignorance!

No need. Every month, the ASHI Reporter publishes a feature called, "Postcards from the Field." Some time back, ASHI made a bunch of those postcards available to the This Old House Online web site. From there, it seems to have made it to the NAR. I've received several e-mails similar to the one you got.

- Jim Katen, Oregon

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