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New Guidebook Available For Washington Inspectors


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A quick note for all Washington state inspectors or those inspectors from neighboring states that hold Washington State home inspector licenses:

Washington State Department of Licensing has now published a booklet containing everything that you, your clients or the public needs to know about licensing.

This pamphlet packages all of the RCWs for Home Inspectors, Definitions, Inspector Licensing, Home Inspector Education, the Standards of Practice and the Uniform Regulation of Business and Professions Act all at one link so it can downloaded or printed out as a single document/handout for distribution to customers, agents, bankers, real estate attorneys, etc.

It's available for download on the web at:

http://www.dol.wa.gov/business/homeinsp ... awbook.pdf

Also, all inspectors that are currently practicing home inspections in the state, regardless of whether they have gotten their license or not, must now perform their inspections to the new Washington State Home Inspectors Standard of Practice and their reports must contain all information mandated under the new rules.

Additionally, inspectors must maintain all records in accordance with the new administrative rules for home inspectors, inspectors may not work on any home that they've inspected for at least a year after completing the inspection, inspectors must disclose any conflicts of interest, and inspectors are now prohibited from participating in certain types of marketing arrangements.

Details can be found in the guidebook.



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Spoke to Rhonda. She'd sent it over for the webmaster to post but apparently he linked the wrong file. She said that a correction will be made.

Sorry, I tried.

Everything else still applies and the rules are all there for the viewing on the laws and rules page of the DOL Home Inspectors website at:

http://www.dol.wa.gov/business/homeinsp ... rules.html



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She said that today she'll get in touch with the person that is responsible for changing the site and that it should be corrected soon. I recommend going back there and clicking on that link every morning until the book finally appears.

It is a great tool. They brought a bunch with them to the last board meeting and stacked them on the table there for everyone to grab. At the end of the meeting, the stack was still about 4 inches high so I grabbed a handful and I've been handing them out to real estate folks so that they can get smart about the new rules.



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Hi John,

Well, it's all there; minus the cover with the state seal on it. I guess the cover isn't the important thing. I suppose I can make my own cover, stick my information on it, and then package these rules in it and use it as a handout.



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