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Glass top stove cracked


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For a glass top stove, is it dangerous or worse if it is cracked (no gap in crack when cold haven't seen one when heated up either but haven't stared at it, yet). What are the potential hazards?

And just a note, for those that have not seen this happen. A glass top with a small chip on the edge will crack. I chipped the back edge of mine and within two weeks, it is now cracked back to front right down the middle.

Gonna check on Monday for the cost of a replacement top vice a new stove, dang thing is only two years old (1 year warranty of course).

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It wouldn't have cracked yet if the warranty was still valid!

Don't know about the danger but here's a quickie search result for you:


Best Solutionposted on Dec 15, 2007


My frigidaire glasstop broke when my daughter boiled dry a heavy kettle....I called sears and as long as the heating coils underneath still light up orange/red...the top piece replacement cost is 206.00 and a replacement cost of about 130 bucks in my area (central maine) ... I called the appliance place to see what their cost would be, I'll know on Monday, but I'm guessing it will be less than Sears....Sears is way expensive. Anyway, good luck


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I have broken two maytag glass tops. Both cost me approx 430.00 installed. I would have a difficult time telling anyone that it is not a "serious/dangerous" contition. Kinda like a chip or cracked windshield.

As it happens, I broke the top, personally, in my own home.

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