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Code? What's that?

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The response in this state has been pethetic. The rural areas are crying foul and no one wants to comply, even some of the "old school" inspectors who have no real training or certifications but were allowed to be grandfathered. I just did a new construction inspection that was completed before the codes took effect and the house was a mess. No underlayment under the new asphalt roof, lack of GFCI receptacles, bulging masonry foundation walls due to no rebar or slushing of the cores with very high unbalanced backfill, part of the foundation block missing with the last 12" of the sill plate just hanging in the air, the list goes on and this was a home in an upscale neighborhood.

I just took on a 203k consultant rehab and the contractor's bid did not meet the new code so I had to send it back to him and this is delaying the closing. I contacted the local AHJ to feell him out and luckily he is strict to make my life easier. Although I am a registered official with the new UCC in residential for the state, I don't have jurisdiction in that area.

These people don't want egress for basement bedrooms, they want to finish a basement with 6'3" ceilings, once again, the list goes on. The sad part is that most of these codes are written in blood and people just don't get it until something happens to them. I don't care if you have been building a certain way for 20 years, it does not mean you have been doing it right.


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We in the great Commonwealth of PA must be complyant with the law, we are not licensed. In other words; we have to be insured, and be a full member of a national trade association that is active in at least 10 states, has entrance exams and continuing education, ie ASHI or NAHI(NACHI doesn't qualify by court ruling, which I understand is under appeal).

Now here is the rub for the new guy. You can't comply unless you are a full member of an association. You can't be a full member of NAHI unless you've done at least 100 fee paid inspections (ASHI 250). So how do you break into this business. You have to do 100 ride alongs with a full member.

It's started a new side industry in the state. Mentoring I mentor but I'm not so sure that this situation should be mandated by law, they mess with us too much as it is.

Just Venting

Bruce :D

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Although I didn't start this way I have respected colleagues who did and I recommend it to most new inspectors here even though they could do it on their own. Start out working for a reputable multi-inspector firm. Check out their education, experience and organizational affiliation. One will get a lot more experience in a much shorter period of time and probably make more money the first year than if they were to start out on their own. I've supported myself solely from inspections since 1998. I have a friend who is just getting out on his own that started working for a multi-inspector firm at the same time. He has done twice as many inspections as I have and I calculate our income for the period to be about the same. But, I think I lost more hair in the same time period.

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