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Americas Call Center

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This is not a paid endorsement or solicitation.

I recently contracted with America's call center to schedule inspections. My administrative assistant quit because she got a better job (my daughter, she is now teaching second grade, working with Realtors was a great prerequisite for the position).

I signed up with them, all my business calls are forwarded to them. So far, they are professional and extremely good at getting all the info and only notifying me when absolutely necessary. It is not cheap, but is cheaper than an employee.

I used to do the scheduling myself, but now cannot stand it. Again, not an endorsement, but if anyone is wanting to relieve that load for a price, check it out.

The only drawback, so far, is that I have more time to irritate you all with my mundane posts on this forum.

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I used ACC for about 3 years, but just recently left to answer my own phones. While I agree that they are very professional and good at what they do, it gets to be very expensive. New inspectors in the business that do not have a steady flow of inspections will find them to be affordable. However, once your inspection volume increases, so do their fees. Towards the end I was paying them over 800 bucks a month.

I decided to move on and give myself a 800.00 raise :) There are some pros and cons to using ANY call center. One of the cons, besides cost, is losing the "personal touch." You hardly ever talk to the client until the day of inspection, and sometimes there is some miscommunication.

I really like talking to the clients directly, and glad I made the switch.

Good luck :)


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