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Mystery drains??


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I performed an inspection today on a 1940 rambling ranch, originally a farmhouse. I saw three of these pvc drainlines exiting the house and directed to below grade drain piping.

Only one of these was visible in the basement area and was located near the water softener and well pressure tank,all newer equipment. T

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62.83 KBhe pvc was terminated and abandoned and not connected to anything at this time. The other two were in a location of drywalled ceiling with no access to box sills.

The seller was present, he grew up in the house and kept telling me how his father was very inventive and resourcefull when it came to cooling the house years ago. He thought the drain lines had something to do with a water cooling system?

The house now has conventional air cooled split system with air handler, etc.

The pvc indicates that this would not have been all that old of an installation such as predating conventional A/C systems?

Any clue what the purpose of these drains were for?

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