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Resource Planning Software

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From past few months i am using spreadsheets to keep employee records who are working under me and i have to keep a record of their timings, day-off, etc. As the number of employees are increasing it becomes uneasy for me to manage each of them so i am searching for a software program which can help me to manage employees and give me a brief description of their daily work done. Can someone suggest me a software program, it will be of great help. Thanks in advance.

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Hello Nancy,

I have been going through the same problem in the past. Manual Scheduling is bit of a pain specially when your resources are distributed across the globe. I consulted a software expert for an automated solution to the issue. He advised me to go with XXXXXXXXXXXXXX. I used it on a trial basis and found that the software was worthwhile. The things i like about the software is its reporting features, financial & forecasting reports always help me to keep a bird's eye on every aspect of my resources. If you were to take my advice, go for the trial and see if it helps you.

Here is the website,


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Nancy David, see that little box that says IP above the posts? That means we can look at your IP. If you're going to try and drop your spam links on this site, you could at least give us credit for having at least half a brain and use two different IP's to do so. Your user names have been locked, your post edited to remove the link and now this thread is locked. You just wasted your time.

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