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Sure Test 61-154 died on me. Recommendations?


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My Sure Test ceased working today and I would like advice regarding whether to have it repaired or consider replacing it. I didn't buy it new; it was very very slightly used but I have no warranty. It's stone dead with absolutely no display. I have voltage coming in at the terminals where the pigtail is plugged in but that's all I can check. My knowledge of circuit boards is decidedly lacking, but that's another story.

Anyone have any alternatives or other advice?

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There is one thing you might check first. If you open up the case there are soldered connections where the socket connects to the circuit board. I don't have any pictures, but a couple of mine (154 and/or 165) went bad and I subsequently found loose connections there. I re-soldered them (awkward but doable) and they have worked fine ever since. But, I've also had one that went bad (early on) and was replaced under warranty. Anyway, if that's not it, and without a warranty, I suspect it would make sense to shop around for a replacement. Hey...at least it's a tax write-off.

BTW...I replace the original stiffish pig-tail with an 18" more flexible one (computer stores, Radio shack, etc). That wraps and stows better in my tool belt and seems to put less stress on the connections.

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