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New Style Childproof Receptacles

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Ever tried to test the receptacls in a home and been frustrated to no end by the plastic plug-in safety covers that folks use to protect their kids? Well, if we home inspectors work real hard to get the word out those d#%* plugs will be a thing of the past because Pass and Seymour has come out with a new line of tamper-resistant receptacles with integral self-closing shutters designed to prevent injuries to children.

All kidding aside, these receptacles are a good investment for any parent with small children because the CPSC estimates that about 1,300 children are killed or injured each year by poking some foreign object into outlets. Your clients will appreciate you passing on this recommendation to them.

The devices come in both GFCI and regular type rreceptacles and and cost about $6 to $8 each. For more information contact Pass & Seymour at 1-800-2223-4185 or check them out on the web at www.passandseymour.com. Oh, and while you're there, you might as download a free copy of Pass & Seymour's 40-page overview of the 2005 changes to the NEC by clicking here.

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