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Texas Comptroller blasts the TRCC

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Carole Keeton Strayhorn

Texas State Comptroller on the Texas Residential Construction Commission (TRCC)


Homeowners deserve better protection

Last August, I received a legislative request to research, analyze and report on the impact of the Texas Residential Construction Commission (TRCC) on Texas homeowners and the economy. My research found no evidence that TRCC has had a favorable impact on the homeowner.

In a homeowner survey conducted by my office, I found that 86 percent of homeowners who responded said their builder failed to fix construction defects in their homes—and that was after going through the mandated State Sponsored Inspection and Dispute Resolution process that verified the defects.

While the mission of the agency is to “resolve differences through a neutral dispute resolution process,â€

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Well the lady certainly lays it on the line. Love this sentence...

"Caveat emptor—let the buyer beware—is the motto of the unscrupulous."

Tell her to move to Mississippi and I'll vote for her for governor.

Brian G.

Hail to the Chieftess [-crzwom]

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Originally posted by Brian G.

Tell her to move to Mississippi and I'll vote for her for governor.

Brian G.

Hail to the Chieftess [-crzwom]

Well, you can't have our "One Tough Grandma", but I hear that Kathleen Blanco may be wanting to relocate!! [:-witch]

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Originally posted by Donald Lawson

She's actually running for Governor here in Texas.

Her motto is "One Tough Grandma"

Jeez-Louise, I'm psychic! Hmmm....what an angle. This could be better than Feng-Suei. [:-mischie

Brian G.

I'm Seeing a Number of Thin Cracks in the Slab, Hidden By the Carpet [:-blindfo [;)]

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