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Independent Inspector For Northern VA inspection

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Dennis - I don't mean to be picky, but I would like full disclosure about the BUTT. Is it male or female? No male BUTT please! Does it in any way, shape or form resemble Demi Moore's BUTT in the movie GI Jane, when she was doing the 1 armed push-ups. If so, say no more I'm ready to go - how much will it cost me?

Dan Bowers

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Originally posted by DLRambo

Dennis - I don't mean to be picky, but I would like full disclosure about the BUTT. Is it male or female? No male BUTT please! Does it in any way, shape or form resemble Demi Moore's BUTT in the movie GI Jane, when she was doing the 1 armed push-ups. If so, say no more I'm ready to go - how much will it cost me?

Dan Bowers

If it was like Demi Moore's, would I post a request for someone else to help out?


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