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Direct vent too close to A/C Condenser

Kyle Kubs

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Anyone know if there is a required min. distance from a heating appliance direct vent termination to an A/C condenser? Can't find anything in the IMC. Obviously there is a common sense min. but since this is new construction I'm looking for something a little more firm.

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Pictures are on my other computer at the moment. But the discharge from a direct vent water heater is less then two feet away from the condenser. At the least, while the water heater is running it's putting out hot air right next to the condenser that is trying to cool refrigerant. Granted, it's probably nothing more than lost efficiency and overworking the A/C system. It was also clogged solid on one side, looked like lint you would find if a dryer discharge was too close but no dryer vent in sight.

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