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Weep holes New Jersey only

Frank Turak

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Looking for any information on when weep holes were required in New Jersey.

The only codes I have are IRC 2000 and CABO One and Two Family Dwelling code 1995 edition.

Home in question is 10 years old and lacks these weeps. Local AHJ said there were not required at the time of construction.

Would like to quote chapter and verse to client if possible.



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I took a few minutes and I don't see any reference that requires weep holes in my 1993 BOCA or 1992 CABO books. Note that I did not spend too much time looking.

In 1993 BOCA Section 1405.3.6 there is a requirement for building paper behind the veneer. In Section 1405.3.9 there are some specific requirements to prevent water accumulation and damage, but it does not specifically require weep holes.

If you want, you are welcome to use my reference library if you happen to visit my area. Just give me a call. I have BOCA and CABO copies for the last 30 years. I am in Millburn.

Short of that, you could give a call to NJ State DCA. There are a lot of code gurus there that have been around for many years and might be able to help answer your question. You need to know the accurate construction date. In NJ, we typically have a long lag between the date of the code and when the code was official adopted as part of the NJ State UCC (Uniform Construction Code). Additionally, the architects have had the choice of using BOCA or CABO when designing single family homes.

If you get a final answer, please post it for all of our use.

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Thanks for the offer Steven. Millburn is out of my service area. Used to be my old stomping grounds when I was younger.

I did post to the Construction officials forum for NJ also but I think that forum is dead. There has been no reply. I'll keep asking around.

See you at the meeting on April 13


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