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Who is calling you?


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My wife is fixing to quit her job and help me with the business. I am not that busy but its's time for her to stay home. Anyway, we were talking about marketing ideas and making new logos and getting shirts and things to give to clients. You know all the stuff that can go with running a small business.

She asked me a simple question. Who calls you more-Men or women.

Well I had not thought about it that way. I would be willing to bet that 75 to 80 percent of the time its the wife calling me to ask about the inspection and set the appointment.

Well we really started thinking what would attract a women to call us versus another company.

I was just curious if this was a similar call ratio for any one else?



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More often than not, it's the agent who is usually a woman. They usually open with "how much"? When men call, they want someone who knows what they're talking about.

I would suggest that your wife bone up on her "inspectioneeze" and do some role playing to get her up to snuff, particularly with agents. Definitely have a order form with all the necessary info for her to fill out.

I've tried a bunch of marketing things. T-shirts are way expensive!

I find pens and fridge magnets are the most bang for your buck and have the longest life.

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It's about 50/50 or perhaps 60/40 in favor of women with us. I guess it's where we're at, but agents rarely call us to schedule an inspection.

My vote is the fridge mags and pens. I'd also throw in 3M Post-It Notes with your logo on them. I've spent a lot of money on other marketing things and always come back to those three.

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