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Appliances recommendation for renovated unit


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We just opened up a vacation rental suite this year and bought all the appliances locally second hand, $100 -125 each. The dishwasher is only a year old and has a stainless steel liner. The range is like new and is spotless under the burners. The reason they were sold for cheap is simple - they are all white. The range has the old style burners, no glass top. Easier to keep clean, no fear of scratches.

Brand names are pretty irrelevant, as most are owned by Whirlpool. A 10 year old washer is junk, worn out. Some or the older units are a good buy now, but that's hit or miss. The high-end appliances are more trouble than they are worth, cheap circuit boards and fussy controls.

Design a white kitchen with white cabinet doors, modern brushed steel handles, and search local classifieds. Good luck, and welcome to the Inspector's Journal.


Edited by John Kogel
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i've had great luck w/near new used...last house/set i picked up for $750 has lasted over 10 yrs

paid around $100~$150 per appliance...range, frig, dw, w & d

bought from individuals in higher-end markets & got 3 of 5 from 1 seller

wound up doing inspections for them & their family mems later

always get receipts, document make/model/serial in case of theft, natural disaster or other catastrophes

always keep total cost below tenants deposit just in case their background blows up during their tenancy

once had to file theft charges/insurance claim for what on 1st appearance seemed like a very nice couple w/1 kid

things went south in their relationship & 1 of them thought that taking the kit appliances was a good idea...not

Edited by BADAIR
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