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Home Inspection Perspective From The 1970's

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Hi All,

Quite by accident this afternoon I was doing a google search for beveled siding, of all things, when I stumbled across a home inspection guide for consumers that was published by the Cooperative Extension Service of the USDA back in the mid-1980's. That pub was based on some other texts from the the 1970's and early 1980's. By poking around on the web with google, I was able to locate one of those references in a read-only format.

I thought that those of you who weren't in the business in those days might be interested in getting a little perspective on how inspections were viewed back in those days.




Printable PDF version of the Home Inspection Guide by John Merrill

Readable version of Basic Housing Inspection - USPHS 1976



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You have dig a little. Remember, home inspection wasn't a trade back then. On the first link, go to "home and family" and then click on "housing" then pick the home inspection guide. Ignore the place in shopping cart thing for $1, click on view pdf copy and print it off.

On the other one, everything on that page is the Public Health Service's guide for housing inspection.

OT - OF!!!


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