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Inspectors Will Make Repairs On New DIY TV Show


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Ever since the PBS show This Old House first aired on television about 25 years ago, the number of home renovation and do-it-yourself shows on network and cable seems to increase on a daily basis and has spawned two new television networks.

Now, according to a March 17th article in the Washington Times a new show on DIY Network called Finders Fixers, which will debut in the fall, not only has homeowners doing repairs, but homeowners will seek advice from, and actually assistance from a professional carpenter and a home inspector to correct their problems.

This should be interesting. Will it cause some some viewers to get the misbegotten impression that home inspectors will actually make repairs on the homes that they inspect? Wait and see. Read More...

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Sort of like House Detective?

Today I watched a rerun I had taped where the guy actually cut drywall to find out why a wall was bowed out....it wasn't a traditional home inspection....but they called him a home inspector none the less.

I saw another one where the HI cut a hole in the ceiling to expose a past leak and also to find out the header was too small in an enlarged doorway on an addition.

I cringed when I watched those...wondering if everyone would now expect that from me.

These situation were not HI due to real estate transactions, but folks don't know that. They hear Home Inspector and lump us all together eh?

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They also had one episode where they had an electrical panel hidden in a closet. They cut through the back of the closet and flipped the panel around out into a hallway. Only problem is they then concealed it with a huge picture!! Really disappointed with the "House Detective".

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It's all Hollywood scripting and has little basis in reality. What the public doesn't know is the stuff they leave out and all the legal problems. That also include the ethical issues which might be presented on Court TV or Law and Order / CSI. (just joking), Actually inspecting houses is very basic boring stuff so the TV producers work on a timeline to fit the DRAMA (the primary ingrediant) into the allowed framework complete with lots of commercials. These shows are about the people/characters not the property conditions. You can put the audience to sleep quoting code and SOP.

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