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I was told on another message board that some of you folks might provide some tips or guide lines on inspecting log homes.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

BTW, nice forum here.I'll be adding this to my favorites.



You know, Kevin. I know that I've got something around here. I just have to remember what and where it is. In the meantime, maybe these links will get your started:

http://www.ctinspectors.com/Data/newsle ... _1_feb.pdf

http://www.logassociation.org/resources ... ndards.pdf

http://www.uaf.edu/ces/publications/fre ... -00752.pdf

http://www.uaf.edu/ces/publications/fre ... -01154.pdf




When I've been asked to do a log home, I inform the client that I'm not a specialist and encourage them to consider hiring a log home expert if they really want to know the specifics of that particular building. For instance, type of log, type of chinking, style / method of joints etc.

I also ensure them that I can provide a worthwhile inspection because other than the logs, all the other components are probably the same as a typical wood frame building.

BTW, it also wouldn't take a log home expert to identify rot or other 'normal' wood issues that might be relevant to the logs.


Where I came from in MN log homes were pretty common, so I got used to the idiosyncrasies that they have. The biggest single issue that was different was the shrinkage and how it could affect other items in the home. Randy is right. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to find the rot.


Hi Kevin,

That's a great site. Guess I better get to work and establish a log-home section in TIJ's links library and start transferring some of these links into there. Whew! That's going to take a while. Oh well, wasn't doing anything today except grading papers anyway. Still....

ONE TEAM - ONE (Sometimes exhausting) FIGHT!!!


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