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HVAC flue vent doubled up


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I did a condo inspection yesterday and know they now do not allow allow B vent to carry flue gases from to separate units as is the case here with both the first and garden level units sharing the same vent,but am wondering when this stopped being permissible.Assuming it may have been grandfathered.

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Not sure what you're saying, as the language is sorta skewed.

Are you saying Multistory venting (w/B vent pipe) is no longer allowed?

If so, that would be a surprise, as huge numbers of properties are vented this way.

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Sorry if sounds skewed but yes I was informed by MR.Phill Candella of Able dist that this is not allowed anymore,but he was not sure when.

He actually trains HVAC guys from all over the state including chicago city inspectors.

He gave me a few numbers to call with no luck yet.Will try again tomorow.three units but two flues on roof.

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I don't think he has it right. People's Gas has illustrations in their manual on page 37, fig. 17 that show multiple appliances being vented through a multi-story B vent.

As long as the vent is sized properly, it's fine; that's what it's made for.

Information from a counter guy @ Able doesn't necessarily mean it's right. I buy @ Able, and they're OK, but this doesn't make any sense. The NFGC says it's OK, so long as the seven times rule is applied properly, and the calc's are done by a licensed engineer. The People's Gas code is essentially the NFGC.

Tell him you need a cite, not phone #'s to call. Where's he getting his info?

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I go to the one in Evanston; don't know about a classroom there.

Given our completely screwed up code situation in Chicago, I suppose it could be that someone slipped in a zinger, and now it's all different (again).

It'll be another one of those "not a damn one is compliant" scenarios, like when they adopted the "new" fuel gas code a few years back, then had to change it because nothing, and I mean nothing, was compliant.

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Originally posted by ozofprev


I was really disappointed last night when I saw that you did not show up at the Chicago tryouts for "So you think you can dance."

Very disappointed.

JFTR, I was voted Best Dancer, Class of '71.

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