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New Radio Show


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Starting May 8th I will be doing a Radio show on home inspections every Saturday.

I am looking for humorous stories related to our business that I can use. I have some stories but the show is 1 hour per week and I have about 6 stories that I can tell on the radio (Without getting fined)

Anybody have something they would like to share?

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Read em' "Inspector Jack" one day when you're ready to tell em' about the pros and the bucketheads. They might like it, even get it.

If you still have access to the ASHI board see if you can find my posts about "Candy Man" or "The Cat Realtor", though I don't think either was titled as such. If not, e-mail me. Candy Man is kind of an inside joke for HI's, but the Cat Realtor would work for sure.

Brian G.

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Best of luck to you Scott.

I did several guest spots during first quarter of this year on a real estate radio show here in Houston. I don't think the show had as many listeners as the host said it did. It was very fun to do however.

What is the stations web address? Will we be able to listen over the internet?


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Good luck Scott.

I also am starting a Saturday morning show here in northeast Ohio on May 1. Did one from 1994 to 1997 that became the #1 rated show in my market area. Left because of managment and I not seeing eye-to-eye on things like compensation. Hoping new station will be different.

Questions about your show; Do you have a co-host? Someone to help keep from having dead air. Are you taking calls? If so, have a group of "ringers" (friends and family with questions) ready to call the first couple of weeks of the show to keep you from having to tell those same old six stories over and over.

Have someone else read your ads for your company, you don't need to promote yourself because you soon will become the person to call as you are on the radio, so you must be the best.

If you read ads for another company, get paid extra and make sure it is a good product or service before you become associated with it. Live complaint calls never sound good.

Screen your calls, know the persons name, location and subject before you bring them up live, sounds better, like your having a conversation and not just coldly answering questions.

Again, Good Luck

Ezra Malernee

Canton, Ohio

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Talk with the FCC Chairman and George Carlin as to the words you can't say. By all means leave Janet Jackson's costume alone as it is prone to failure. Look forward to seeing you on next years super bowl half time show. Best of luck.


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Do you have a co-host? Someone to help keep from having dead air.

No, but I will be having guests on the show. I already have a foundation repair company, a construction defect lawyer and a plumber,lined up I plan on starting with a short monologue then introducing the guest and having a short discussion before we start answering calls.

Are you taking calls? If so, have a group of "ringers" (friends and family with questions) ready to call the first couple of weeks of the show to keep you from having to tell those same old six stories over and over.

Yes I am taking calls and I will have a couple of other inspectors helping out with questions.

Have someone else read your ads for your company, you don't need to promote yourself because you soon will become the person to call as you are on the radio, so you must be the best.

I am selling my company and the company that is buying me out is purchasing two ads on the show. The ads will be produced by the station and I will not be in them but people are bound to know that I will be working for the new company.

If you read ads for another company, get paid extra and make sure it is a good product or service before you become associated with it. Live complaint calls never sound good.

I have only offered to read ads for one fantastic roofing company and I don't think they are buying any space yet.

Screen your calls, know the persons name, location and subject before you bring them up live, sounds better, like your having a conversation and not just coldly answering questions.

This is done at the station and the producer will do all of that for me. I spent 2 hours there learning how to do it all. I even have a cough button[:D]

What is the stations web address? Will we be able to listen over the internet?

KXEM 1010 am in the Phoenix area. No you can't listen yet. A new general manager is coming here from Florida next month and that is one of the things he is supposed to change.

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