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CTL2go only $399!

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Get it while it lasts! The best tablet for the value in a long time is now $100 off. I've recommended and seen at least 100 of our users get these in the past few months and they've all loved them.

http://shop.bjs.com/2goPC-8-9--34--Conv ... ewprod.htm

Hey Dominic,

I heard they are coming out with a 10" version. Any word on when or how much?



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I've used small tablets before and they were ok for the govt inspections that I completed on them but for home inspections I use a 14" Gateway. Maybe for younger guys the small ones are ok but I prefer a bigger screen.


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I prefer "Pocket Horizon" A PDA is much easier to use in the field, the devices are fairly cheap and I just email my reports out later in the day. I could not imagine lugging a laptop around or making frequent trips to the kitchen for adding details, etc.

Thats just me.

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The Tablet PC stays in the kitchen of the house. I use it there just for signing the contract, keeping tabs for the verbal, etc. Data is collected via a Pocket PC and later USB'ed to the Tablet. Report edited, photo's added and printed/Emailed from the Tablet.

The verbal sometimes included a show/tell using the photo's that I took of the findings. This is done on the Tablet too and the 14" monitor shows them better.


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Get it while it lasts! The best tablet for the value in a long time is now $100 off. I've recommended and seen at least 100 of our users get these in the past few months and they've all loved them.

http://shop.bjs.com/2goPC-8-9--34--Conv ... ewprod.htm

Hey Dominic,

I heard they are coming out with a 10" version. Any word on when or how much?



Yeah, I talked to CTLCorp (CTLCorp.com) the other day who is the main reseller (the devices are actually made by Intel). They're hoping to get them in the next 2 months but there's no official release date yet. Main upgrade is a faster processor and a 10" screen rather than 9". I'll let you guys know when I find out more.

I'm guessing the price will be $499 or $549 at the most. They're obviously trying to clear the current ones out and since their market won't be changing I don't think they'll increase the price.

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I prefer "Pocket Horizon" A PDA is much easier to use in the field, the devices are fairly cheap and I just email my reports out later in the day. I could not imagine lugging a laptop around or making frequent trips to the kitchen for adding details, etc.

Thats just me.

PDA's are about the same price (sometimes even more) than these $399/$499 tablets now. With battery life now getting up to 10 hours and the weight down to 1.5 pounds. It's not like the old days of lugging around 7 pound, 12" tablets that cost you $2,000. The handwriting recognition alone is worth it. You're writing out entire words rather than a letter at a time and they auto correct plus you see more on the screen. Take a ride with someone local that has one, they've come a long way!

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