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Spray on liquid glass.


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Can't be seen by the naked eye, which means it has endless uses. Most of what I have read is it will be used to protect materials, special application coating, etc....

Extract from physorg.com

Other factors to consider include the substance itself – silicon dioxide. When inhaled in macroparticulate form it can cause silicosis of the lungs; nanoparticles may have different toxicity, although none apparently have been reported with this product. Yet.

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I noticed it was an old article. Thought I'd throw it out there to see if I was the only one who missed it. Looks like I was.

No, your post was the first that I'd ever heard of it, so I must have missed it too. I was just wondering if it was one of those flash-in-the-pan things that never goes anywhere.

- Jim Katen, Oregon

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