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Compatible breaker

Robert E Lee

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On one of my inspections yesterday I ran across a Siemens G3030MB1150 panel with a Square D "Hom" breaker, while the breaker fit, it didn't fit well. "Electrical Inspection Of Existing Dwellings" doesn't reference Siemens panels. Anyone have a source of checking compatibility issues?

Robert E Lee

GENERAL home Inspections, Inc

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The labeling of that panel should have specified which breakers could be used. If the breaker used isn't in the list of breakers on the label, I write it up. It looks like that might not have allowed the deadfront cover to fit around the breaker properly. Did it? If it didn't, it's wrong - no ifs ands or buts about it.



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I see panels all the time that contain multiple brands of breakers---all prohibited by the manufacturer. Our city inspectors routinely paste their green (meaning "passed") stickers on these panels, which I'll never understand. The improper breakers typically can be nudged back and forth with a finger, meaning they don't have adequate contact with the bus. This can lead to arcing and possibly a fire within the panel.

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Siemens is what use to be ITE, bought out years ago but changed mostly in name. Square D never made a breaker that would fit anything BUT a Square D panel until a few years ago, when they decided to make a "me too" line designed to mimic the basic pattern of most of the other manufactuers.

I saw one of those in a GE panel the other day, but it fit okay. My guess would be that the one in the photo just isn't properly installed, but it could also be flawed. If it wouldn't fit I'd write it up, but I've never written up mixed brands myself. In my combined years of selling, tinkering, and inspecting electrical stuff I have yet to see a single problem result from Brand A breaker being installed in Brand B panel.

Brian G.

Speaking Only for Me, Myself, and I

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Thanks everyone. I did not see any info on the door panel that would suggest other brands of breakers could be used. I also checked with one of the local electrical supply houses that carries the Siemens panel, and their comment was that only a Siemens breaker should be used.

Robert E Lee

GENERAL Home Inspections, Inc

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