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Texas TREC Pending New SoP and More

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Attached are the documents that will be presented within the next month to the various committees at TREC for changes to the TREC Inspector's SoP and Report Template.

This package has been being worked on for the past year and has produced an SoP that has a word count somewhat less than the current one. Still too large, but it is an improvement.

Who knows if it will be blessed, but if it is then it will be posted in the Texas Register for 60-days of public opinion, then more tweaking and then possibly final approval and into rule. Likely many months away.

Download Attachment: icon_adobe.gif RulesforInspectionReportForm3-27-2012.pdf


Download Attachment: icon_adobe.gif REI7-3formwork03-27-2012withInspectedcheckbox.pdf


Download Attachment: icon_adobe.gif SoP535_227-233ReviewWork03-27-2012DraftWork.pdf

204.02 KB

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