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iPad/iPhone in the field

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I recently purchased an apple iPad, and I think it would be a great tool to use in my contracting business. Has anyone found an app program that can create and send estimates and invoices directly on-site?

Would make my life a whole lot easier... Any recommendations/reviews would be great


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Thanks for the pitch-gauge tipe Scott.. !


I've been using mine (I-phone) for cases where we walk in and see a pressure-booster system in a Boston-area house with public water.. I do a Google map satellite view over the house, back-out and bang.. there's the the local standpipe hiding in the woods, explaining the pressure-booster..

I've also used it 'look' at a neighborhood to see if I can see the roof from an adjacent street.. It's a very good tool in many ways and has increased my productivity in regards to appts, field-management of other inspectors, etc.

I just got an I-pad but mostly for music-stuff... We are doing a lot of old covers (Ventures, etc) and it's a quick way to find out what 'positions' the guys are playing parts in...

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Procore. You want it.

After that, google "iPad Construction apps" and be prepared to sift through a lot of stuff.

Personally, I like Concreteulator, mostly for the name.

Thanks for the tip on Procore. it looks interesting but somewhat complicated to set-up and use. Have you used it before?

I wasn't able to find anything for Concreteulator. Like the name too though!


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Have you looked into ProContractorMX? There's a project management app that can be used on an iPad in the field and send data back to the office - like change orders, lien management, project documents, and more.

Here's a good overview of the capabilities of ProContractorMX.

If you'd like more info, I can get you in touch with a sales rep!

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Played with it. It's a complete solution.

Personally, I use Filemaker Pro with Filemaker Go on the iPad. It's a powerful relational database I've configured for my needs. Since needs are always changing, I'm able to make alterations to accommodate them.

It's perfect for estimates and invoices; simple, quick. There's ready made templates if you don't want to get into configuring your own stuff. There's also a very wide ranging independent developers network (for a fee, of course) to help you if you need it.

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