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Mold prevention


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Does anyone out there have any experience with the mold prevention products such as FortiCel? This is a "new" process here in Michigan. I understand it to be a water based product that is sprayed on framing members, before any gypsum board or siding and has a 25yr warranty to prevent mold growth.

Any thoughts?

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I don't know. It would be hard to say it was a bad thing, but I sure wouldn't want it to be a substitute for proper construction techniques. Mold is always a moisture problem, but if there's a significant moisture problem mold is not the only issue. Generally speaking, I wouldn't put much stock in it.

Might be reassuring on a EIFS house. [;)]

Brian G.

Had Some Sauteed Mold With Dinner Last Night...Yummy! [:P]

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There is the idea that it is unnecessary. I don't know about anyone else, but I've been tearing apart houses for approx. 30 years, & I've yet to find a stud cavity that didn't have mold in it somewhere. Folks seem to do OK.

The mania about mold is proof that all meaningful problems in the world have been solved, so we have to make some new one's up.

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I understand it to be a water based product that is sprayed on framing members, before any gypsum board or siding and has a 25yr warranty to prevent mold growth.

Think about that statement for a few minutes and you can form your own opinion. With out moisture mold will not grow.

There is a company here trying to sell something similar, this is H2O2 or hydrogen peroxide, with there own special formula added.

They keep asking for permission to speak at a ASHI chapter meeting.

I checked with a couple of the respected IH's in the area and they couldn't stop laughing long enough to explain all of the things wrong with it.

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