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Recommendations for contractors in the NYC area


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I posted here a few months back because I have rusting lentils that are delaminating and cracking the cement and even the bricks on the rear exterior of a 1925 construction 3 story home.

I have contacted a number of contractors who are adamant about using acid wash, portland cement, sealing the house, sealing the lentils with caulk. In effect, everyone is bent on destroying my beautiful old house.

What I haven't found is someone who said, "hey, we will match that mortar, find some old bricks, and restore your landmarked house without doing more harm than good."

It's a mess out there. Shouldn't contractors be licensed for this kind of thing?

OK, that wasn't my question. My question is: can anyone recommend a contractor? And if I do find one who is willing to use lime and sand between the bricks, is it possible to use mix newer and older bricks without further damaging the house?

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I have contacted a number of contractors who are adamant about using acid wash, portland cement, sealing the house, sealing the lentils with caulk. In effect, everyone is bent on destroying my beautiful old house.

It's a mess out there. Shouldn't contractors be licensed for this kind of thing?

(Insert sound of harsh, dry, cynical laugh in this space.....). You have entered our world as a brother.

Expanding on Chad's comment, find the local supplier of lime putty mortars. There's folks in New Jersey. http://www.lippincottsupply.net/. Strangely, no one in NY.

Go here. www.limeworks.us/headquarters.php. See if they have contractors they recommend for your area.

Go here. http://usheritage.com/

See if they supply in your area.

Don't necessarily trust landmark society folks. Sometimes they're just weird old people intent on telling everyone what to do while not knowing themselves.

It's a jungle out here. Skilled trades aren't in a power dive, they fire balled a long time ago. Skill exists in small little pockets and you have to search for it.

Thank you for your support.

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