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In-ceiling Projector Screen


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Hi all,

I'm preparing to sell my home and have the following question. There is an in-ceiling projector screen in a drywall ceiling - it is fully recessed and can be removed with a socket wrench and removing four bolts. Next to the screen in the ceiling is a junction box (which the screen is hardwired to) which is then wired across the ceiling and down to an outlet.

I can't find a switch on the outlet and there isn't a locking breaker, is this an issue? How can i ensure it is remedied to be fully in compliant with code?

Would adding a switch next to the screen (above the ceiling) accessible once removing the screen be adequate?



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I don't see a problem with it as long as you're able to maintain a line-of-sight with the disconnect while positioned to remove the cover on the j-box serving the screen apparatus. You have to be able to see that the switch is off as you remove the j-box cover.


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I don't see a problem with it as long as you're able to maintain a line-of-sight with the disconnect while positioned to remove the cover on the j-box serving the screen apparatus. You have to be able to see that the switch is off as you remove the j-box cover.


Isn't he saying that there's no switch?

Why not just install a lockout device on the breaker?

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I don't see a problem with it as long as you're able to maintain a line-of-sight with the disconnect while positioned to remove the cover on the j-box serving the screen apparatus. You have to be able to see that the switch is off as you remove the j-box cover.


Isn't he saying that there's no switch?

Why not just install a lockout device on the breaker?

Yeah, he is. My response is poorly worded. I meant to suggest he install a line-of-sight switch.


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