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Code Check DVD series

Martin Lehman

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Yeah, it it probably worth it. I own the VHS version. Some educational providers just present the tapes in classes. The pricetag seem a bit steep to me.

There are 4 tapes and each is about 2 hours long. You definately don't want to watch all 4 in one sitting without lots of coffee breaks.

Information retention is can also be a problem if you don't pace yourself.

You can always watch them over again if you feel you have missed something.

I ignore the older code stuff so I don't recall the UBC citations. The videos are very much like the little flipbooks. They have some old code references. It is amazing that they hold so much information in a small package. I would like to see the flipbooks 20 times their current brief length. The videos expand the flipbook information a little bit.

They are a much better value than the tapes/DVD from the ICC/ICBO.

Those are equally as boring (or even more boring and dry). The ICBO ones don't really cover anywhere enough information as the Code Check ones for the price. The ICBO ones are very short in duration and material.

Remember both sets are all about new contruction not inspection. The subject matter does project to existing properties. Both are useful but each is still very limited in time allotment and subject matter.

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