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What are the issuses going to be when a pool (pool wall) is within 5 feet of the electrical service equiptment including the circuit breaker panel and utility meter? SE is undreground. It is located on the back wall of the residence. House was built in 1992. When the Pool was installed is unknown.

Thanks in advance.

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What are the issuses going to be when a pool (pool wall) is within 5 feet of the electrical service equiptment including the circuit breaker panel and utility meter? SE is undreground. It is located on the back wall of the residence. House was built in 1992. When the Pool was installed is unknown.

Sorry, I'm unqualified to answer this one. I used to rely on Norm to answer questions like this. Perhaps Cramer or Abernathy will chime in.

- Jim Katen, Oregon (What's a "pool" again?)

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Basically it is imporant to know that piping related to the pool equipment CAN be within 5' of the pool....just not electrical lines and so on unrelated to the pool. The problem can come in with gradiants and so on near the pool and potential current imposed onto the pool system and all that jazz...more so the likelyhood someone will come in contact with the metal parts is the largest concern because we can control those factors. However, if the pool is properly bonded and installed correctly it lessens the issues...but does not remove them in the future.

Now it is clear...they are not going to DIG up the pool....or move the service in this case so one thing that could be done is to ensure the electrical meter is enclosed and not able to come in contact with the metallic parts.....I see pools installed all the time ( I do alot of pools ) and while we pull permits for all of ours...many do not.

Clearances can have exceptions based on the fact their is no clearance....many local AHJ's make allowances for clearances and make exceptions to many things.......The best suggestion would be to errect a barrier between the electrical equipment and the pool itself but just not sure how practicle it is in your case.

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