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When Associations Squabble, Do Consumers Pay?


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Good one! They stated what we all know, but it is nice to see it provided to the public. Particularly enlightening for the public is the line, "Belmont, a member of the National Association of Certified Home Inspectors, said he did not support the Senate legislation because it would have rendered his credentials useless."

I've considered Robitaille's organization. It just seems weird to belong to an organization that says you are independent. If I belong to any, after this Sept, it may be his. On second thought, no. So long as TIJ is around, it's all good.

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This ASHI guy is watching the New Hampshire Home inspectors fight among themselves. "live free or die" is the state motto. The nachi group would like to fashion the NH bill. If the NH HIs were serious about licensing? Look over the border! The Mass HIs have a pretty good set of SOPs. These did not come easy or cheap. The ASHI group in Mass. funded and fought to sculpt a workable set of SOPs. These are not ASHI SOPs--take a look kids.

The Maine guys are watching also. MeCHIPS is very vigilant. They are not interested in "people from away" sculpting Maine rules for Maine HIs. NH may not ever have a workable regulation. Mr Roth is very diligent. Maine may never have a workable regulation.

I hope Mr Nick G. fails at his attempt to "run" NH.[:-banghea

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Noel is very smart. Her response was excellent, informative, and she is very capable of carrying the dialog as long as it takes to make folks understand what's at issue.

The more of this sort of thing, the better; if folks are actually worried about one competing organization or another, let the dialog be "news". It's lots harder to lie & con when one becomes the focus of "news".

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