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Okay, here it is. A place where you can discuss subjects involving various home inspection organizations.

I'll be moving all such threads to this topic area.

This is not a soapbox for an organization to beat it's chest and plaster self-promoting topics that are the equivalent of a press release. It is intended to be a place for the unititiated to ask honest questions about various organizations and receive plainspoken and honest answers.

Keep it civil, respectful and free of the conspiracy theories and promotional B.S. that have ruined so many threads on this topic, lest you see it deleted.

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Originally posted by hausdok

It is intended to be a place for the unititiated to ask honest questions about various organizations and receive plainspoken and honest answers.

Keep it civil, respectful and free of the conspiracy theories and promotional B.S. that have ruined so many threads on this topic, lest you see it deleted.

Ever the optimist, eh Mike? Best of luck with this, sincerely. Perseverance is hard to beat, especially when one has a delete button.

Brian G.

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  • 12 years later...

When there was but one association for HIs, it may have been a good one but now there's at least 8. They are consumed by the competition between them for membership. Acquiring membership fees has become their focus now. I learned this just before I got my HI license 13 years ago and have never joined any of them.

This forum taught me most of what I know now and more than any HI association could ever have taught me.



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World class HI society. The idea edges toward comedy, which is tragedy plus time. We've had tragic activity in the arena for a long time. All the organizations are pathetic in their own unique way.

That gotten out of the way, I've been an ASHI member for 28 years. We have a lobbyist. We're the only organization with a shred of recognition outside of our proscribed teeny universe. We're recognized by HUD, FHA, the realtors, etc., etc.

After that is iNACHI, which is a curiously American organization in that it proclaims itself to be something and thru the joy of its members paying their dues and loudly proclaiming itself to be something...sort of is that something. Sort of.

Which is kind of fun, in a twisted sort of way.

After the two big guns, none of it really matters. Nice folks, well intended, but nothing's there.

There's a few fringe organizations masquerading as societies in order to sell you their report systems or ancillary services. They are recognizable by being nearly invisible. If you have to look to find them, you don't want them.

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When there was but one association for HIs, it may have been a good one but now there's at least 8. They are consumed by the competition between them for membership. Acquiring membership fees has become their focus now. I learned this just before I got my HI license 13 years ago and have never joined any of them.

This forum taught me most of what I know now and more than any HI association could ever have taught me.



I'm not sure we have 8 national associations, more like two and a half.

I have belonged to ASHI since 1997, I have seen many changes with some being good and some not so good. Kurt hit on the highpoint of ASHI. I will add that ASHI is the only HI organization that has a third party approved certification for its members. In other words, ASHI does not self certify that somebody is a home inspector. ASHI is run by a professional staff that is led by a former home inspector along with a volunteer board of directors. The other large organization is run by one individual.

You just need to decide what you want.

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