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Do you take advantage of local message boards?

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The following is from one of three neighborhood message boards that I participate/monitor. On just this thread I got two inspections and didn't have to say a word. If you don't have one, maybe you should consider starting one. The exposure is great, and usually free! Plus, you find out what people really think of your service...

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AnthemStuff Regular

Posted - Apr 06 2004 : 7:11:21 PM


Ok so its almost going to be a year since we moved into our new house in Anthem. Would like to hear from other home owners (NOT THE INSPECTION PEOPLE THEMSELVES) that have actually paid an Inspection company to come out before the homeowner's warranty runs out? What do the costs normally run, which company is good (OR BAD) and what to look out for.

I personally am inclined against getting it done but then I might be persuaded otherwise. So far, we've been very happy with our Centex home and have not had any major issues at all. Do issues start popping up after the 1st year or isn't it normal to see stuff by now?

Any thoughts/suggestions would be welcome....

The truth is more of a stranger than fiction.


Country: | Posts: 76


AnthemStuff Regular

Posted - Apr 06 2004 : 7:40:09 PM


On our second inspection we found a major roof problem that was not visible and not found in the first year inspection.

Our roof ended up having almost 1/4 of it redone because of problems with the original installation. I have no idea what this would have cost us, but I'm guessing....a lot....

Oh yeah, that paid for the second inspection many times over.

On the first inspection, we found that they had not properly installed vent materials and we were wasting major bucks in cooling costs. Plus, we also found they had not blown in enough insulation and that alone paid for the first inspection.

If you are competent enough to handle it yourself, go for it. We neither had the time or the ability to catch everything that was caught at both inspections.

I was more impressed with the second than the first both in the content of the report but of the other things that were "caught" that were not caught in the first inspection and would have cost us 'BIG' bucks in the long run.

P.S....the second inspector also caught a bathroom shower floor tile issue that ended up with having part of the tile floor in the shower being redone to catch a leak caused by an improper installation of the shower pan. (The liner wasn't folded over the lip of the tile and was causing a leak that ended up with drywall being replaced.)

Enough said, we were happy we did it and would do it again both at the 1st and 2nd year anniversary.



Country: | Posts: 68


AnthemStuff Regular

Posted - Apr 06 2004 : 8:00:14 PM


ahem - who did you go with? Thanks for the info.... And sorry to be inquistive but was it a Centex home too?

I think I'm leaning towards getting it done based on just what you said - nope, I don't have the time to do it or even know what to look for. I was just trying to get a feel for the Inspection service since I didn't want it to be money down the drain.

I guess now I have to look for a good Inspector!

The truth is more of a stranger than fiction.


Country: | Posts: 76


Forum Newbie

Posted - Apr 06 2004 : 8:24:57 PM


We just had an inspection done. Our 1 year is up in May. We are very glad we had it done. They found a slow plumbing leak between the garage and our master closet. We never would have noticed it until it was really bad because we have a dresser sitting against that particular closet wall. The repairs require not only the plumbing to be fixed, but also a great deal of drywall and trim to be replaced. If we had not caught it now, it would have been fixed at our expense. They also found several areas where there was a lack of caulking in the bathrooms above the showers (like I would ever look there) and around some windows. They also found that the furnace vent pipe was not properly supported requiring and additional support strap. They also found some other minor things. We used Landmark Home Inspection and were very happy with their service.


Country: | Posts: 5


Forum Newbie

Posted - Apr 06 2004 : 9:51:07 PM


I would highly recommend getting a home inspection. I know several people who had them and if they did not they would have never found the cut trusses in the attic, that could have potentionally cost thousands later fix. Call Chris Prickett at Landmark Home Inspection, there is no one better. 623-551-9511


Country: | Posts: 9


AnthemStuff Regular

Posted - Apr 06 2004 : 10:07:51 PM


I had Chris Prickett (Landmark Home Inspection 551-9511) come out for my 2 year, and it was TOTALLY worth it. I highly recommend him. He found a lot of things that I would have NEVER caught. He gave me a comprehensive report, complete with digital photos that he took. He also gave me a report to fax/mail to the builder to have the warranty work done. When the contractors came to do the work, a couple of them asked specifically to see Chris's report so that they would know exactly what they were repairing. It cost me a couple hundred dollars - it was back in '02 so I don't remember how much exactly - and it was SO worth it. I ended up having my entire garage floor replaced due to the settling. Honestly, they came in with jackhammers and took out the old one, then dug an extra 4 inches of dirt out, put in rebar (sp?), and poured a brand-new garage floor, twice as thick as the original. I hate to think of what damage my house might have suffered if Chris had not caught it.

I had never even considered getting my house inspected, BTW. But my neighbors recommended Chris so highly that I was convinced - and I'm really glad I had it done. I'd do it again, too, except I would get it done at the one year AND the two year next time.


~*~ What if the Hokey Pokey IS what it's all about? ~*~


Country: | Posts: 60


AnthemStuff Regular

Posted - Apr 07 2004 : 05:44:57 AM


Moved into Anthem Country Club 4 years tomorrow....

Our first inspection was done by someone recommended by a real estate agent we knew. We initially had a hard time getting anyone to come as far as Anthem.

Our second inspection Chris Prickett did and given his credibility with builders in Anthem, I would use him and recommend him in a heart beat.

I haven't heard anything about the other inspectors working in Anthem, but Chris gets kudos from everyone I have sent to him.



Country: | Posts: 68


New Member

Posted - Apr 07 2004 : 08:19:35 AM


I definitely recommend an inspection, even if they just find minor cosmetic stuff, it's worth the piece of mind knowing that a trained professional has looked out for you. We used Chris Prickett and I have referred him to many other people too. His repoir with Del Webb is wonderful, basically they came out and fixed everything that was on his list line item by line item, no questions asked.

Do it, you'll sleep better....


"It's not having what you want - It's wanting what you've got" --

Sheryl Crow


Country: | Posts: 41


Forum Newbie

Posted - Apr 07 2004 : 08:52:45 AM


I would also recommend getting you’re home inspected. Chris Prickett with Landmark Home Inspection did our 2-year inspection, and found several problems. His report was very thorough, and Del Webb was able to fix all the problems in a timely matter.



Country: | Posts: 2


Forum Newbie

Posted - Apr 07 2004 : 12:31:13 PM


We highly recommend an Inspection of your house prior to being in it for 1 year. This way you can get Del Webb to fix most of the major items.

Jay & Sandy


Country: | Posts: 2


New Member

Posted - Apr 07 2004 : 1:26:53 PM


We just signed up with Chris at Landmark Home Inspection for our 1 year. The cost is $300 for a 2100 sq ft house, well worth the money if there's anything seriously wrong that we don't know about.

I had talked to Chris at Anthem Days and he was very professional and really knew what he was talking about with the Anthem area homes, even said he was very familiar with the models here and knew where the bodies were buried in each different one :).

We're set up for April 27th. I'll post our experience afterwards.


Country: | Posts: 11


AnthemStuff Regular

Posted - Apr 09 2004 : 08:59:56 AM


Thanks everyone for their input regarding Home Inspections. I've also gone ahead and called Chris up and he's supposed to come out on the 26th of this month. Lets see how that goes. At this point, I think its better to be safe (viz spend about $300) than sorry later on...

Thanks again everyone...

The truth is more of a stranger than fiction.

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I bet this one was Chris in disguise.[:-bulb]


Forum Newbie

Posted - Apr 06 2004 : 9:51:07 PM


I would highly recommend getting a home inspection. I know several people who had them and if they did not they would have never found the cut trusses in the attic, that could have potentionally cost thousands later fix. Call Chris Prickett at Landmark Home Inspection, there is no one better. 623-551-9511

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Originally posted by swarga

I bet this one was Chris in disguise.

Yeah, who do you think you're fooling Prickett?! [:D]

A few of those more than makes up for the cuss-happy sue-you types, eh? Nothing like an occasional pat on the back from the bosses.

Brian G.

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