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Radalink Aircat Vs Telemonitor


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Has anyone switched from the Telemonitor to the Aircat? I'm considering doing that, to be able to upload data without a phone line. I've been happy with the telemonitor, but more and more households are giving up their landline, and of course the percentage of vacant houses has gone up in the past year or so. That's caused some snafu's on occasion.

I'm a little leery of having to use a peripheral device to start and stop the unit and enter the documentation info. It seems like it would be a pain in the neck compared to the way it's done with the Telemonitor.

So, is anybody happy they made the switch? Anybody regret it?

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I made it and am happy with it. I use my laptop as the peripheral to store the data. I've always got my laptop with me.

Used to have to chase a phone line before starting a new test. Now I just store the data on my laptop, and move on to the next test.

Of course, it helped a bit that I got my wife certified so she can help chase the machines.


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I made it and am happy with it. I use my laptop as the peripheral to store the data. I've always got my laptop with me.

Used to have to chase a phone line before starting a new test. Now I just store the data on my laptop, and move on to the next test.

I don't carry a laptop with me. I have a Fujitsu tablet that just collects dust, so I guess I could use that, but it would be a pain in the neck carrying another device. I was discussing the Aircat with Dallas before he left and he told me you could upload the data through a windows based cell phone browser, but I didn't ask if you can fill out the doc form off site, like with the Telemonitor.

Have you looked into Sun Nuclear Joe?

No, I'm going to stick with Radalink. To people who own their own monitors, the annual cost of $1,980 to lease a monitor might seem outrageous, but to me it's worth it. Pennsylvania has very onerous record keeping and reporting requirements, including tracking your exposure when placing and retrieving units. I know me - I'm a huge procrastinator. I know I would put off doing the paperwork until I'm hopelessly behind, then come audit time I'd be screwed. I've been audited twice by the State DEP and both times I was violation free. That wouldn't have been the case if I did my own paperwork.

Radalink also offers free continuing education. In PA, you need 16 hours of class time prior to your biannual license renewal. Now if only Radalink would cover the $350 license fee!

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You can use a cell phone or PDA to bluetooth with the monitor. Yes, you can still fill out your doc form later.

I usually just plug the address into the doc form when starting the test and then take care of the rest online at eRAdaLink after uploading the initial doc form to them. The online form fill works a lot better than the onsite form fill on your phone or laptop.

I too appreciate the paperwork reduction provided by RadaLink. Makes my life a lot easier for which I'm willing to pay a little more. Course some of those SunNucelar guys don't do ANY record keeping whatsover (not state required like yours is) so they see it as pretty simple.

I prefer to "Git er done, Right" instead of Git er done, good nuff."



I love not having to chase a telephone line between each test. I'm usually half an hour or so away from home and used all kinds of weird phone locations to dump the data from the Telemonitor so I could start a new test

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